The prospects of the Industry is very bright and the product manufactured is required in almost all area Engineering applications and it has go wide market particularly in Construction industry, Automobile Industry, Structural Fabrication Industry, Furniture Industry and Miscellaneous applications. And we are planning to set up 2nd Unit within the same premises for the next 2 years. Due to the fact that the Location of the Unit is in Industrial Backward area all the concessions/benefits and financial assistance, tax sops etc., will be available and cost of the production will be reduced.
The Unit proposed to carry out Marketing and Selling Arrangements directly to the Engineering products Manufacturers, Traders and End Users on its own by way of setting up strong and reliable marketing division/department within the organization. And with regard to competition from similar units/factories it will be met by way strong focus on quality, precision, prompt delivery and service to the Customers/End users. The Unit has got the potential of producing and selling of the finished products measuring about 30000 Metric Tonnes per year capacity with the monetary value of not less than Rs.150 Crores per annum with the proposed installed capacity of one Facility Unit.